Thursday, January 31, 2008

Back when I was a kid.

It kinda cracks me up when they cancel school for a little bit of snow. Where I went to school in southern Oregon we rode a school bus 45 minutes each way, over a mountian in deep snow. We even had to put chains on the bus to get over the pass sometimes. There were days that the fuel in the bus would gel up from the cold. No, it wasn't up hill both directions. So when they cancel school for a little snow we just laugh. I like the snow for a day or two but now I am tired of it. Hurry up spring! Bring on the sunshine!!!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I have signs everywhere. The one above my sink says Lamb's coffee and donuts. It is an original sign from the first restaurant at the Oregon State Fairgrounds. Cool find for me, huh? I like the eggs, milk and butter sign, too. It makes me think of cake or brownies. But I'm on a diet so it should say hummus, carrots, and fiber. How do you like the Simplify sign? At my house it should say clutter and complicated. One that I really like says "Because nice matters". I need that one to remind me to not make fun of fat people. (cuz I am one) But I am working on that.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Girl Day!

Today was a good day. Stephanie and her two daughters Cassidy and Brandie and myself just needed an adventure. So we loaded up and headed out and weren't sure where to go. First we went to Courtney Creek in Lebanon for more candles. Then we headed to Albany and stopped at the Goodwill . We found a couple of treasures that we had to have. All this shopping made us hungry. After lunch we headed to Ruthie B's in Springfield. Stephanie hadn't ever been there so it was really fun to show it all to her. There was soooo much to look at. We even found some familar faces there. Now I need to clean my house so I can put out my new treasures. Can't wait for another girl day!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

the smile.

All Better Now

Today I woke up still with this cold. But I was a good girl and got on the treadmill. The little ones were gone to daycare until noon. But when they got here it was like a hurricane hit. They were snotty, bratty mean little tazmanian devils. They were driving me crazy. It was too cold to be outside for long so they were terrorizing me in this house. Just when I was about to explode, we loaded them in the pickup to run an errand. It took less than 2 miles and they were all three asleep. So, one errand led to a cute little shop I like to go to. Inside was a vender just unloading her treasures for sale. I naturally couldn't resist two primitive shelves, a jar and a candle. Back inside the pickup (with their mom) were the little taz devils, still sleeping but transforming into little angels. With a smile on my face cuz of my new stuff, we stopped and got some "bug juice". I took the little angels home. Now I am cleaning up the mess they left and can't wait to see their cute little faces tomorrow.

Isn't She an Angel?

This is Kenzi Elizabeth. She is so sweet. She is 8 months old now and getting an attitude. The boys love to play with her. Sometimes they put her on a blanket and drag her around the kitchen. At first I didn't like that but she was laughing and having fun. She is gonna be a cute little tough girl.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Free Day

OK, so I was thinking. This year there is an extra day in February. It only comes once every four years. So, I think that we should get to decide how we want to spend a free day. I am in need of a fun all girl day. Morning till night. Laugh, shop, eat. No, house work. No counting calories. No hurry home to pick up kids from school or fix dinner. What do you all think. Wanna go?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I've been tagged!

So, I was trying to think of 7 wierd things about me. At first I could only come up with one. Then I couldn't quit thinking of all the wierd things I am.
1. I love to mow my lawn. I would do it everyday. I prefer to use the push mower cuz it makes better lines.
2. I like the smell of skunks. Notice I said like, not love. It can't be too strong, just a mild skunk smell.
3. I prefer to go camping than to go to a beautiful beach. I can't stand to lay in the sun. Gotta be doin stuff.
4. I would rather go to yard sales, estate sales, autions, Joy's, Coburg, etc. than ever to the mall.
5. I don't like to wear diamonds. Jay bought me a really big one about 8 years ago. I still haven't wore it. I look at it sometimes. It is really pretty but not for me. ( Mindy says she will wear it)
6. I prefer going to Homeplace in Silverton for pizza to going to Olive Garden or some other nice restaurant for dinner.
7. I belong to the Union Hill Grange. All of my little friends there are in their 80's and 90's. They are so sweet.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Time to have some fun

I was trying to do a better job of what I ate and how much I exercised, but the more I try the harder it is. I fixed a really healthy dinner and then the doorbell rang. It was the Schwann man. He hasn't been here forever. So I had to buy some ice cream ( for the little ones:) I did get the trim creations fudge bars. Man are they good and zero points for one!! Then I made these yummy brownie/fiber cookies. I got the recipe from Stephanie. They are really good especially right out of the oven. But one wasn't enough so I had two. Better not go anywhere tonight. Mindy calls them the 5 minute cookies. You know where I will be in 5 minutes.
All this chocolate!! I think I am just stressing out about my mamogram tomorrow. Why don't guys have to get something squished once a year? Oh, well. I think I will have another fudge bar. If one is zero points, then 2 must be only 1 point. Tata for now.

Monday, January 14, 2008

This blog thing is all new to me. I am obsessed with it. I can't even pass by my desk without checking to see if any of my favorites has posted anything new. My daughters are showing me how to make my own blog. And I am a very slow learner. Mindy has set it all up for me. Every time I want to look at it I have to ask her , " now what do I do next?" She is starting to get impatient with me so I better pay better attention. Anyway, this is fun. I really should be getting somethings done that don't get done when the little ones are here.

Cutie Patutie

This is Caleb. Isn't he cute? He brought a bug to show me.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Connor & Kenzi

To cute for words.

My Hubby

This is my Soul Mate for the past 29 years.
We were married when we were 10. =)

Louis & Mindy

Mindy & Louis - My daughter and her fiance'