Monday, November 10, 2008

More of harvest

Who ever invented the dry erase calander board was brilliant. Do you know how many times a day things change in this office? We have to keep the days we have scheduled for the helicopter open. We have to have enough trees cut and in slings. But not too many cuz we can't plug up the landing area. We have to know who is coming to pick up trees and when. The boys have to keep the trucks fueled up and ready to go. Oh, and someone needs to get the Cat out to pull the pickup out of the mud.

This is what it looks like at the front door everyday. Boots and raingear. Just grab a pair and go.

Connor and Caleb showed up early Sunday morning ready to work. They love to help. They each made a timesheet for me that they will keep track of their hours. Caleb wrote down that he worked 4oo minutes Sunday.

1 comment:

Miss Mindy said...

I love that post! Crack me up about the pics of Connor & Caleb coming to help and the 400 minutes. can i make a time sheet?