Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy 27th Birthday Stacy

Twenty seven years ago you made one of my dreams come true. I was a mom for the first time. I can remember when we found out that I was pregnant, I made Dad tell Grandma and Grandpa and Granny and Papa because I was too scared. They will know what we've been doing!!:) Silly girl, we were married for three years what did I think they thought we were doing??!!!

You were such a cute baby.

Dad adored you.
He would go with you to swimming lessons, take you swimming at the lake

and help you dry your hair when you were done.

He would take you for a ride on the four wheeler every morning before I went to work. He worked the swing shift and had to see you before we left in the morning.

You were his first softball player. He loved coaching you.

You always played your hardest.

It didn't matter if it was softball or basketball , you gave it your all.

Dad was so proud when he walked you out on the track to be crowned homecoming queen. How cool was that to have both of his girls on the homecoming court at the same time.

And when you were valedictorian of your graduating class, we both felt blessed to have such a smart, talented and beautiful daughter.

From the time you could pull 50 pounds on your bow,

you were Dad's favorite hunting partner.

How many other girls would go in the woods with only a bow and arrow and compass,

walk for miles, don't shower and wear camo paint on their face?

He was so proud when you shot your first elk.

Mindy and Casey and Taylor were lucky to have such a good big sister to teach them so many things.Then you fell in love with Ryan and Dad had a hard time giving you away.

But he knew you weren't too far away. He could call you any time and you were there.

It wasn't long before you amazed us again with Connor and Caleb. Oh, what joy they are.

And a little later you blessed us again with Kenzi Elizabeth .

They are lucky to have you for a mom. And I am lucky to be your mom.

Happy Birthday Stacy Love Mom


Auntie Joy said...

You didn't tell me it was Stacy's bday lunch I was interupting!! You are right, she is a wonderful daughter that anyone would be proud of. She was an adorable baby and just keeps getting more beautiful with each passing year!
Hugs to both of you!

Miss Mindy said...

I have the BEST sister in the world! Happy Birthday Stace. Love your Blog Mom, you did a Awesome job!

Teresa Is Awesome! said...

Wonderful pictures and a fine young woman! I'm honored to be part of your extended family.

House Divided said...

I certainly remember 27 years ago today. I had to take Danny to a couple classes with me at OIT because Mama and Daddy were at the hospital with you guys having a cute little girl. I couldn't quit staring at her she was just so perfect. I also remember that you and Jay did'nt have a name picked out for a girl, so he had to practice saying things like "Stacy you get over here", or "Stacy you quit crying right now". Anyway, he went through lots of other names before he finally thought Stacy sounded the best. And that's how she got her name. Anyway Stacy, happy, happy birthday. Wish I was there. Lots of hugs and kisses to all of you. See you soon.
Auntie Donna

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Stacy! Geez you were always so cute and pretty =D Great Blog Pamma Lamba
Love, Brandie

momonthego said...

I love reading your blog Pam, you are such an inspiration. You are such a good mom and grandma! Your family is blessed to have you!

NanaBanana said...

The pictures are so wonderful and yes Stacey and a wonderful person to be blessed to know and love.

Rose of Sharon said...

Happy birthday Stacy! What a beautiful girl you have there Pam! I love all the pictures! It is so neat to see how much Jay loved her! You must be so very proud! The one picture in her formal dress looking in the mirror she looks so much like you! You're both beautiful!

Hugs, Sharon

the said...

Happy Birthday Stacy !!
Those pictures are beautiful - I like Donna's story up above on how you came to her name, its very cute! A cute name for a cute girl !

Take Care,

Unknown said...

What the heck!! You haven't posted for a long time. People are probably tired of looking at me.

Thanks for the blanket. I LOVE it!!! You should make you one.