Sunday, September 28, 2008

Something I have to share with you.

This is a picture at Mindy's wedding. It is my daughter and our friend Casey. Casey's brother, Riley, was (and is) with Jay. During the ceremony after the readings were done and the vows were said, Louis's brother stepped aside and was going to sing "This Ring" for Mindy and Louis while they lit the unity candle. Just as the music started to play, the microphone quit and so we sat in silence for a couple of minutes while they fixed it. It was during this quiet time that a small airplane ( like Jay's) flew over us. It was rather low and it circled us and flew away. It appeared and dissappeared at just the perfect time. There is no way you could have planned that. It was God saying, Yes I am here. Jay is here. Riley is here. Steve is here. We all looked at each other and wondered how this could be. There is only one way and that is that God wanted us all to know, we are never alone. I am so thankful that Steve's family and Riley's family and all of Jay's family was there to share this with us. What an Amazing God.


the said...

I know when that happened the first thing that came to mind was Jay was there with you. It was God's way of sending him to be there with Mindy and to be there with you.
I hope/know these awesome signs continue to appear... Jay will always be with you even if you cant see him! His love will protect you forever.

Take Care and maybe we can plan a shopping day someday soon, I miss seeing you!! ~Stephanie~

Linda said...

What an incredible story...and it just made the special day all the more special. God is good isn't he!