Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wedding pictures are finially here.

OK so it took me an hour to figure out how to get these pictures here and now I don't know how to move them where I want them. AND Taylor needs the computer to do a homework assignment. I will try hard to figure this out because I have soooooo many really cool pictures to show you. So come back and visit me soon. I can't wait for you to see what a beautiful day it was, my very awesome family and friends that made it special and all the little details that I know you will like.
Isn't she pretty?


Auntie Joy said...

Not just pretty she is downright beautiful! Looks a lot like her Mama
p.s. see you later this week with computer know- how, well at least the little bit I know..

steve'sjilly said...

Hi Pam~
It's Jill. I finally took a minute to figure out what this "blog" stuff is all about. I read every entry you wrote. YOU are a writer! You write how you talk and I can hear you. You made me cry like I haven't for weeks. I felt my heart beating in tune with yours. What encouraged me the most was reading how you are being comforted by the Lord and finding joy and humor in your days. I want to call you, but it is 12:14am. You know something? I had a very clear moment the other day when I realized what I'm feeling: I don't know about you, but I LOVE Christmas...and I am always filled with such anticipation as that day draws near...well, that is it! That is what I am now feeling: I am anticipating going to Heaven like never before. And, just like the other 364 days that aren't Christmas, nothing else compares to the day itself. That is what I am looking forward to--that day when Heaven "gets here." I am so anxious for it...I just can't wait...I KNOW that nothing on earth will compare to that day...and seeing Steve (&Jay & Riley). Oh, just hurry up and get here. (By the way, this isn't my suicide note. ha) Thank you for waiting out these days with me. Thank you for giving me strength, as my necklace promised you would. A hug to you, my friend. I am thankful to have you on my journey.
love you, jill
P.S. I don't really know how this blog stuff works--so I don't know if you can tell, but my e-mail is hurricanehershey@juno.com.
P.P.S. I will be calling Mindy soon--you can't see my girls' eyes, their bangs are so long. Steve would have had a fit! He loved their eyes.

Linda said...

Gorgeous!!! I can't wait to see more!

the said...

You crack me up! You have put pictures on here before....
They are beautiful pics, the whole day was a beautiful one .
I will agree with Joy, she does look just like you.
We will be awaiting more pics (please !!)
Take Care and hope your having a good week,

Rose of Sharon said...

She is stunning! These are beautiful photos. I can't wait to see more. You must be so very proud!

Hugs, Sharon