Sunday, June 7, 2009


We were soul mates. He knew what I was thinking even if I didn't tell him. I could finish his sentences before he could. We shared a house, a family and a life. We even shared a birthday. Today is our birthday.

Not too long ago I was reading a book and it said that June 8th is "Best Friends Day." I had to look it up and see for myself.

Sure enough, "Best Friends Day is June 8th." Is this a coincidence or not? I think not. I miss my soulmate with all my heart. I think of him every minute of everyday.

As I was working in my yard I saw this statue of St. Francis. It has been standing there in the same place for a lot of years. The branch on the tree has grown and shaped itself to the statue. They have been together for so long that now they are almost one. You could move the statue and the branch could still remain, but it won't be as strong as it was. I feel the same. For all those years we were best friends. With Jay's physical presence no longer here, I feel not as strong. But with the strength that God has given me and the support of my family and friends, I will be as strong as I can, one day at a time, until our souls are together again.


adsgram said...

Happy Birthday, Pam---

With Jay and God both in your heart and soul, you are gonna do just fine! Remember and enjoy your wonderful memories and then gather up your family and friends and make some more!

Have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Girl Friend!!!!!!!!
I'll let you know how "50" feels!!
I wish you the best today and thanks again for the "surprise"!!
Farm Chicks was amazing!
Hugs - Karen

Tropicana Rose said...

Happy Birthday Pam Lamb!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Love, The Yutzie's

*Little Miss Nye* said...

Happy Birthday Pammy!

When you and Jay found one another, God gave you the best gift he could...and it's one that will stay in your heart forever! May you be wrapped up in both Jay's and God's Love today and always! Have have blessed day!

-Christiana :)

NanaBanana said...

Have thought of you and Jay all day today. Wish you peace and love.

Love you! Bev

Stephanie said...

Hi Pam,
I hope your birthday was fun, I sent you a text but didnt know if you got it! This is my new blog name (Paul came up with the name!).... you can add it to your blogroll if you want to :)
Happy Summer !!Love Stephanie

Maison Douce said...

Happy belated birthday, Pam!! It pains me so much to see how much you miss Jay..!! Sweet post!