Saturday, July 25, 2009

A good day

Mindy took the day off today so she and I could spend some time together. We left home early and headed out to some yard sales. Not quite sure what we were looking for but we were sure it would be fun. Before we stopped at the first sale she said, "Mom, we should be someone else today. How about you be Lucielle. Who should I be?" I said , " OK , you be Vesper." And so we were. We came to a sale that looked to be just a drive by but decided to stop. There were two little old ladies selling things. They must have been in their 80's at least. As we were looking at their "stuff" one of them started clapping her hands. She said, "People, can I have your attention? If you are serious about purchasing some of our treasures, come and get a bag and you can fill it up for $1." (ONE DOLLOR) Are you kidding me? They had some pretty good things. Then I spotted an old quilt. I asked her if it was for sale. She said she really didn't think about selling it cuz it was so old and worn. I knew it was more than a dollar so I asked her how much she would like for it. She said, "well it is really worn out but you could maybe cut it up and make something out of it. How much would you like to pay for it?" I told her I am really not good at that. So she asked me if $2 was too much. OMG! I have to give her more than that. I said "can I give you $5?" She said , "ok, honey, only if you take some other treasures for free!!!" She said that her mother had made it. Well, there is no way I am going to cut it up. I will love it just like it is. All I could say is, "Hey, Vesper, this is a good day!"


Annette said...

You DID have a good day! Yard sales are the best!

Stephanie said...

You have some of the best times garage saling...... I bought a "yo-yo" quilt at a sale Friday for $2- that was a steal too!
Hope you have a great week :)

Auntie Joy said...

Well Lucielle,
I think I will change my name and go with you next time!
I might be Ethel!
You park the car while Vesper and I see if there is anything worth having!!

adsgram said...

I think the OR heatwave is making those sellers crazy...both you and Stephanie scored quilts this weekend! Good for both of you!


Anonymous said...

You two are funny! I cant wait to see the quilt

Rose of Sharon said...

A good day indeed! I love that quilt! It is so wonderful and such a marvelous deal!!! I love it that you guys had different names, what fun! I would still love to plan another get away with you guys!

Hugs, Sharon