Thursday, January 29, 2009

Angels Among Us

Last night the kids and I went to the movies. We had been wanting to see the new Clint Eastwood movie, Grand Torino. It was a really good movie but had alot of bad language. But we all agreed, it was a good story.
This morning when I was checking on my blog I had a comment from someone I don't know. She said that she saw us at the movie last night and she wrote words of encouragement. How did she know us and HOW did she know that I had a blog? Now, I know that I have an amazing family and the most awesome friends, but I think God sends angels into our lives without us even knowing who they are. They give us courage and strength. They pray for us. They make this journey more bearable. Every day I am amazed. Thank you God.
Last January Jay and I went to the movie, "The Bucket List." It was a story about two men who were told they had terminal illnesses. So together they made a bucket list, a list of things they wanted to do and places they wanted to see before they kicked the bucket. After the movie, as we were leaving we asked each other "what would be on your list?" And we both had the same answer. We live our bucket list every day. Couldn't think of anything to put on that list. I thank God for that , too.


Miss Mindy said...

That was a wonderful comment AND quote and whoever wrote that to you is an awesome person. TOLD YOU people read your blog. that's a neat thing!

Teresa Is Awesome! said...

Angels work in amazing ways. Did you find out who gave Mindy the beautiful little beaned purse?

NanaBanana said...

I enjoy your blog so much, like I'm there with you. Sometimes I cry like a baby and others laugh out loud. We have to see that movie, Teresa recommended it too.