Monday, December 29, 2008

jean quilts

I have been wanting to do this for a while but now I have more time. I am taking Jay's jeans and cutting them apart and making quilts for my kids and for Granny and Papa ( my mother and father in-law).

That way when they want to they can cover up and feel a hug from Jay. I have only one made so far and I will be sending it to Jay's mom tomorrow. I know she will love it. I cut his jeans apart and saved everything that I could use. Even the smallest pieces will be something.
This is all that was left when I took them apart.

I cut 6" squares out of the jeans and also out of flannel.

Then after sewing them in strips and sewing the strips together we had to snip every square. I say "we" because "we " took turns snipping. This is the part I didn't like to do. It took quite a while and it was kinda not looking like I thought it should. But after washing and drying the quilt, the snipped edge fluffed up and looked much better.

I think it is cool because some of the squares have stains on them that wouldn't come out. They were his work pants. Not all of the quilts will be made with this technique. I want to be able to use the smaller pieces, too. And I want the kids to pick out the flannel for the backs of their quilts.

This is what it looks like when it is finished. I know that she's gonna love it. I will show you the others when I get them made.


~Kelly~ said...

Wow Pam thats unbelivable! What an awesome idea! I know she will love hers and the "hugs" that come with it!!!

Auntie Joy said...

That turned out so cool! I need to get out and get going on some of my projects!
Hope to get together with you soon.

Arlene said...

I love your quilts...I use those inseams for straps on my bags - just an idea, if you want to make a little bag for one of the Grands they make a sturdy strap. What a nice gift!

Rose of Sharon said...

That is just the cutest idea. Oh my gosh, it makes my heart stir. What a neat way for everyone to feel Jay's presence. I love this. Was it hard for you to cut the jeans? It seems like that would be kind of emotional, but maybe it was okay.

You are so sweet.

Luv, Sharon

Teresa Is Awesome! said...

You have wonderful ideas! I know everyone will cherish the quilts.